Sunday, 29 July 2012

Hungary for the Worlds Fundraiser #2 - foot rogaine & short o course

Well, the weather threatened rain but it never came, so we had a great day where a bunch of people battled the wind in a 60 minute rogaine and short orienteering course on Mount Maunganui (Mauao).

Thanks to those who came.  I had fun putting out the controls, (although it took too long, sorry about the delay!) so I reckon the rogaine would've been fun too.  I'll have to run it properly myself in September when I get back.

See you next week at Otumoetai College and Intermediate.

Here are the results (click to enlarge):

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Quiz and auction night fundraiser

A great night last night at my Quiz and auction fundraiser at Bureta Park Motor Inn.  Thank you to all the 60 people who came and made it a fabulous time.  We had some fun! 

In action at the Quiz and auction night.

My printed uniform arrived Friday afternoon, so I was able to wear that there too. Thanks Keith and Karen at NZ Sign Solutions in Silverdale.  You're legends.  A one-day turnaround from out of town - now that's gotta be the best ever!

Thanks to my wonderful friends who helped out on the night and to Donald who spent hours making up the 10 round quiz.  Thanks to Mum for the table centre pieces - I loved them!
Big cheer to Phil for MCing and to Frank Vosper for expert auctioneering.

The final tally around $2100 with a whooping $148 of that from teams buying a question - talk about competitive!  Well done and thanks so much.  You guys are awesome.

Huge thanks to those who generously donated auction items (visit their web link to the right):
Neil - pilot, Beaumont Apartment owner, Dental Solutions Tauranga, Brookfield New World, John - labourer, Lois - artist, Bivouac, The Kiwi Back Rub Company, Rialto Tauranga, Tauranga City Aquatics Ltd.  Bureta Park for the venue!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

I have a new bike!

Yes, I finally have a new bike to race on.  Yippee! Thank you to Hedgehog Bikes in Tauranga for providing the bike at cost.  It's lighter, has awesome brakes, changes gears smoothly, has suspension that works great and all in all rides nicely.  I am blessed.

Thanks to family, friends and supporting companies for making this possible.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Hungary for the Worlds Orienteering event #1

Thanks to all those who braved the constant rain and enjoyed some orienteering or rogaining yesterday at The Lakes in Tauranga.

There was a 60 min rogaine (get as many controls in any order within 60 minutes, penalty points lost for being late) and a short orienteering course (find the controls in order in as long as it takes) to choose from.  It was great to see some regular orienteers and some people trying it for the very first time.  At their second time orienteering it's unlikely to be so wet, so it'll be even more enjoyable!

There was a bonus for all the participants' efforts with some spot prizes on hand.  There'll be more to come at the next events, so make sure you're there over the next two Sunday afternoons.

See my blog below or for the event flyer details.

Here are the results:

A weekend of racing at the Vegas Vindaloo

On 14, 15 July I rode in three amazing mountain bike orienteering races at the Vegas Vindaloo held in Rotorua and organised by Orienteering Bay of Plenty.  On Saturday, Phil, Caleb and I (Georgia had two birthday parties so she stayed behind) headed over for the morning's events in the Whakarewarewa Forest.  We had a choice of a long (25km), medium, short (10km) or fun (3km) course.  Phil and Caleb decided on the short course while I opted for the long.  Sorry, there's no photos because we were all riding.

The long course took me through some lovely single track bushy areas alongside streams, some in amongst the pine plantations and some winding through recently felled and replanted blocks.  These were odd, because I can recall riding through there with all the massively tall pines and now it looks so different.  Just as well for the map with the contours.  My route choices also took me over a bunch of forestry tracks, some with a steep climb.  But where there's an up, there's always a down.  I avoided the dotted (slow going or overgrown) apparently shorter uphill track (should've done the same on Sunday!) for the longer route by road and open single track.  Afterwards it sounded like that was a good option after hearing of others' escapades up that track.

All in all, it was a fantastic ride on some awesome tracks. Thanks Pete for setting the course.  I finished in 2hr 4 mins.  A great training ride, and awesome to do some navigation.

Saturday afternoon was a fun sprint (all over in 15 minutes or so) through the flat 'dog walking' area near the Redwoods Visitor Centre.  It's all go in these, with no time to waste.  Quick navigating is the key.  I made a few mistakes which are far more noticeable in the overall time on a sprint than a longer race.  This event was fantastic and perfect for kids - a flat course and not too long. Thanks Grant for setting the course.

Sunday's 2 hour rogaine (get as many controls in any order over a set time period) was in constant rain.  Lots of people braved the elements anyway.  I had a few route choice challenges. Now I fully understand that this mapper's small dotty track symbols = unrideable! :)  Unlike normal orienteering events, we were allowed off our bikes to go to a few controls by foot - and some we had to do just that, because there was no track to the control. Consequently I came away with evidence of having run through cutty grass and tree stumps. Great fun! I only started to get cold in the rain when heading downhill on the exposed side of the mountain.  I squeezed in a couple of last controls and came into the finish 15 seconds before the 2 hours was up and from which time penalty points begin.  For an extra 20 points we could eat some hot curry. While the curry was spicy hot, it was a welcome feast of warm food at the end of a wet ride, especially since I was feeling so cold by then.  I spent 15 minutes warming my feet up on the car heater before venturing onto the state highway, since I couldn't feel the foot pedals!  Thanks Aiden for setting the course; and a great big thanks to Erin for organising the event!

I came away with more chilli too. As the Chilli Challenge womens winner, one of my prizes was a container of chilli flakes - nice!  Will save that til after the Worlds. :)

Caleb and Phil had fun on their course. They found a great roller coaster-type downhill and intentionally were distracted from their course to enjoy the track!

This was a good test for my newly acquired Miry mapboard from Mapsport.  My mapboard to date, has been probably about 'model H' of our DIY (do-it-yourself) mapboard.  It has functioned exceedingly well, the only reason for the upgrade is the weight issue really.  Caleb even has a great wee mapboard made by Dad out of old plastic containers and lids. I even saw a wooden mapboard at this event.  So there's nothing stopping anyone having a go.
Here's a photo of Caleb's mapboard
Caleb's (age 7) homemade mapboard

Thank you to Russell for the loan of his Jamis bike.  It performed much better than my old bike, and the shocks were a delight on the bumpy terrain.

Check out the Vegas Vindaloo results and further events at

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Quiz night and auction

Have a great night out with friends at the fundraising Quiz Night and auction.  Make up a table of 8 or contact me for becoming part of a table.
Information below:

'Hungary for the Worlds' fundraising events

Come and try orienteering and support my fundraising efforts to get to the Worlds at the same time.  For experienced orienteers and first-timers.

On Sunday afternoons of 22 and 29 July and 5 August.  Information as below:

Thursday, 19 July 2012

A snoring solution - fundraising auction.

Woken by someone else's snoring?  Conscious that you wake others with your snoring?

Here's a potential solution.

Dr Andrew Corin of CentralMed has kindly donated a SnoreOp procedure to assist with my fundraising efforts.

You can view the auction at :

And of course.... pass it on!

SnoreOp is a minor surgical technique that has a very high success rate for treating snoring.

The auction is for a SnoreOp voucher which includes:

- Initial 30 minute assessment
- First operation including all costs
- Follow-up visit
- Second operation if needed (depends on severity of snoring)
- Final follow-up visit.

Total value is $1300.
Thank you Dr Corin.
There are some great people and companies that are helping me out in raising my funds for my trip to Hungary.  Thank you so much!

You'll see a few companies and their web links in the 'Supporters' page and over to the right of the blog.
Be sure to check them out.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Fundraising events

I have some fundraising events planned in the next few weeks, including some foot or mountain bike orienteering events which will be advertised on and a quiz and auction night.  

The quiz and auction night is scheduled:
  • Friday 27 July 7pm
  • Redwood Room at Bureta Park Motor Inn
  • $10 per person
  • Tables of 8 per team (we can make a table up on the night, if you're not in a group)
  • Drinks and bar menu available for purchase
Come along with your team (or by yourself) and show us how smart you are!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Do you need a SnoreOp?

You may be wondering how "SnoreOp", listed to the right has helped me out!  Well, Dr Andrew Corin of CentralMed in Tauranga has been incredibly generous in supporting my fundraising endeavours.  Check out the SnoreOp website to see what SnoreOp is all about. 

Stay tuned!  Find out how you can score your own SnoreOp as I auction a $1300 procedure with proceeds going towards my trip.

'Wedding gift' type register

I appreciate all those wonderful people and companies that have offered to help me out as I wear the silver fern at the world championships.  To represent New Zealand at a world event has been a dream.

Some have been asking what they can contribute towards.
If you feel that you can contribute, here is a wedding-gift-type register of some of my needs:

  •           $    30 Warm up event entry fees – Budapest 11,12 August
  •           $    45 Training event entry fees
  •           $    50 A portion of the airfare
  •           $    50 Training maps for 5 days
  •           $    58 World Champs banquet
  •           $  150 Tauranga to Auckland airport return cost
  •           $  110 Sport Ident fast card – electronic racing system
  •           $  125 1 night Budapest Airport accommodation
  •           $  140 NZ team tracksuit
  •           $  150 Excess baggage estimate for sports equipment
  •           $  170 Mapboard
  •           $  160 Estimate of possible tyre purchase
  •           $  180 NZ team cycle shorts
  •           $  200 Estimated share of transport in Hungary
  •           $  250 Estimaged mechnical costs
  •           $  270 NZ team cycle jerseys
  •           $  220 7 nights accomm. at World Champs
  •           $  340 A tenth of the airfare
  •           $  370 8 days accomm. - warm up & training camp 
  •           $  540 Estimate of 17 days meals
  •           $3200 Flights to Budapest return
  •           $4000 minimum for a competitive mountain bike
Thank you, I am so grateful.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hungary for new wheels

There's a big quarter page article about me and my bike in the today's sports section of the regional newspaper, the Bay of Plenty Times.  Check it out....

Or view a scan of the article in the 'Media' tab above.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Riding an 'antique' bike at the World Champs?

Yay!  The teams been announced and I’m in it! 

I’m one of two women selected to represent New Zealand at the world mountain bike orienteering championships in Hungary in six weeks time. 

Interesting thing is that I’ve qualified on a bike that’s just about an ‘antique’.  It’s ‘from last century’ as my husband, Phil would put it!
I was selected after achieving a 3rd at the Oceania Championships in October last year, and great rides at the Australia/New Zealand Challenge in January (my mapboard broke in one of the races and I had to ride more than half of the race with my map in my hand wrapped around the handlebar, hoping the wind wouldn’t rip off a critical bit).  All this, on a bike dating back to the mid-1990s – my Avanti Competitor Pro.

It’s the only competitive mountain bike that I have and was considered a top bike in its time.  Bike weight, performance and specifications have moved on, and I’ve been told there are minutes to be cut off my race times on a current competitive bike. 

I am competing in the elite class and not the masters or age group categories.  This means I’ll be competing against the best mountain bike orienteers in the world.

Stay tuned for anecdotes about me and my bike and my hunt for something better, and my journey in training and raising funds for Hungary.