The afternoon after the relay I changed my tube and I, and others to make sure, checked my tyre for thorns. Later that evening, aftrer the prizegiving and dinner I checked the outside of my front tyre and plucked out a number of thorns. Just as well because it went flat then and there. Better then than the next day in the long distance A final.
So another hour or so later checking the inside tyre and removing more thorns I had quite a collection.
Unfortunately the new spare tube was holed so we tried another hoping it might self seal, but it was flat by morning. So a plain tube with no sealant was installed in the morning (all on a tight time schedule and it had cut into my sleep time). I knew I would have to choose my routes carefully the next race with a plain tube on board.
There were a lot of flats going on throughout the event. It's just the nature of the sport and this particular terrain. It all has to be just dealt with and move on. I remember telling the kids I was coaching in primary school orienteering a few months ago to 'expect the unexpected'. I think if you do, then it doesn't throw you off mentally in pre race preparation or in race competition. There can be a bit more logical and calm problem solving then too.
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